Press Conference County Takes Big Step To Help Homeless Veterans with Acquisition of Housing Facility
Video, Links, Photos from the November 9, 2023 Press Conference with Supervisor Otto Lee, veterans, and community leaders.
UPDATE November 30, 2023: On November 27, 2023 the County of Santa completed the closing and transfer of the property and veterans housing facility at 10 Kirk Avenue, San José. The County now fully owns this location!
LINK - County of Santa Clara Takes Big Step To Help Homeless Veterans with Acquisition of Housing Facility in San José
“The County of Santa Clara cares about our veterans and the acquisition of this site is a key step in making sure every veteran has housing,” proclaimed Supervisor Lee. “Homelessness continues to be our greatest challenge, but knowing those who served our nation are unhoused is heartbreaking - and why this matter is such a high priority.” [11/8/2023]
Mercury News ✩ LINK
'It's everything to me': Santa Clara County celebrates the purchase of Homeless Veterans Emergency Housing Facility
“It’s everything to me,” he (Adams, U.S. Air Force veteran) said of the transitional housing facility, which provides housing, three meals a day and a slew of services, including referrals to Veteran Affairs healthcare services, for homeless and at-risk veterans. Since 2009, the 150-bed facility has helped more than 6,000 veterans.
“The ability to find places for our veterans to have a safe place to sleep is absolutely vital for our safety net, not just for veterans but for our homeless situation as a whole,” Lee told the Mercury News. “There’s a lot of military history and veterans who have served that are living in the Bay Area, especially in the South Bay,” the supervisor said. “We definitely need to make sure they haven’t been forgotten.”
Click HERE to read more - LINK
✩✩✩ Photos and Videos - Shared Online Folder LINK ✩✩✩
Speakers: County Supervisor & Ret. U.S. Navy Commander Otto Lee, Ret. U.S. Army Colonel Ray Watts, Yitzely Villalobos from the Office of Congresswoman Lofgren, Phoung Nguyen from the Office of State Senator Cortese, Alexander Lin from the Office of Supervisor Chavez, Campbell Councilmember & Ret. U.S. Army Colonel Daniel Furtado, HVEHF CEO/Founder Irvin Goodwin, and Ret. U.S. Army Ranger Sgt. Jeffrey Wray.
Attendees: Juan Rodriguez from the Office of Assemblymember Kalra, Estefani Gomez Pacheco from the Office of County Supervisor Arenas, and Cole Cameron, Chair of the County Veterans Commission.

“Thank you Supervisor Lee and everyone involved in this important acquisition project. The United States of America is indebted to all military veterans – and I want to particularly thank the nearly 15,000 veterans living in the 18th District for serving our nation.
I believe part of our debt of gratitude to our veterans includes ensuring they have access to healthcare, disability benefits, & other services that they have bravely earned. Included in that list is housing. Nearly 10,000 people in Santa Clara County are experiencing homelessness according to the County’s 2023 Point In Time count. That number is far too high, and it sadly includes veterans.
All leaders at all levels of government need to support homeless veterans. By purchasing the Homeless Veterans Emergency Housing Facility, the County is importantly and rightfully committing resources for both temporary and permanent housing options for veterans. I am particularly pleased that the County is building upon successes already taking place at this site (including transitional housing and VA resource connections) and expanding upon those offerings.
As we plan to honor Veterans Day tomorrow, let’s celebrate this project and let’s celebrate and thank all the men and women who serve. If I may ever be of assistance to you, your family, or our veterans’ community, please do not hesitate to contact my office. Thank you.”
Congresswoman Zoe Lofgren
“Bravo to you on your superb leadership on acquiring 10 Kirk Avenue which is an integral part of the VA Palo Alto Health System. The Important services provide veterans with the tools they need to pursue employment opportunities and access health care. Every veteran deserves the best from each of us for what they have given to our country. Today’s announcement makes Veterans Day 2023 an extra special one.”
Anna Eshoo, Member of Congress
"I am incredibly proud of the County of Santa Clara's continued commitment to those who served our Country through the acquisition of the Homeless Veterans Emergency Housing Facility on Kirk Avenue. Since we opened this facility back in 2009, it has served as a lifeline for thousands of veterans, offering transitional housing and access to VA services. With this acquisition and expansion, we are one step closer to ending veteran homelessness in our County."
State Senator Dave Cortese