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World AIDS Day

Locally we continue to make serious investments that are saving lives. With early linkage to medical care for HIV infected people, individuals learn about their infections early and get early access to medical care resulting in living longer, healthier lives. And most importantly reducing the likelihood to spread the disease to others.

Through solidarity and cooperation, we will ensure that in County of Santa Clara the Getting to Zero initiative will reach zero new HIV infections, zero stigma, and zero HIV-related deaths. County of Santa Clara offers free HIV testing, both in-person and self-testing, lower cost in-person STD testing / treatment and PrEP (Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis) / PEP (Post-Exposure Prophylaxis) information and referrals to treatment providers. 

The County of Santa Clara also offers HIV/AIDS treatment and case management along with our Positive Connections program which offers access to primary health care and counseling service through referral, case management, and many other benefits that the county offers. Additional services can be accessed through AACI who operates Free Rapid HIV Testing, Education Sessions, Individual/Online Counseling.


The County's Positive Connections Program provides comprehensive case planning and coordination for those individuals who have been newly diagnosed with HIV, or are not currently in care in Santa Clara County. The goal is to promote better health outcomes by ensuring access to healthcare and supportive services.

Click HERE for Positive Connections Program

HIV Prevention Information - The Public Health Department is committed to reducing the barriers to early HIV diagnosis and increasing access to quality medical care, treatment, and ongoing prevention services for those with an HIV diagnosis. 

Click HERE for HIV Prevention Information & Resources

Since 2014, County of Santa Clara has had a consistently higher percentage of successful early linkage to medical care for HIV infected people compared to the national average. HIV positive people who learn about their infections early and get early access to medical care live longer, healthier lives and are less likely to spread the disease to others. The County of Santa Clara Getting to Zero initiative focuses on reaching zero new HIV infections, zero stigma, and zero HIV-related deaths.

Silicon Valley World AIDS Day website

Links & Resources

⇒  HIV Commission
⇒  HIV Prevention Info
⇒  Positive Connections Program
⇒  Gender Health Center

Public Health Dept STD/HIV Prevention and Control: For additional information or resource materials, please contact STD/HIV Prevention and Control at [email protected] or call (408) 792-3732.

World Aids Day 2023 - "Let community lead."

We are honored to join the World AIDS Day commemorations in County of Santa Clara. As we reflect on this year’s theme of community leadership, we are grateful for our local leaders, advocates, and healthcare workers working to get Santa Clara County to zero cases and caring for our HIV/AIDS-positive residents.

World AIDS Day 2023 - Santa Clara County Events & Information - Link

World AIDS Day 2022 - "Equalize"

We are honored to join the World AIDS Day commemorations in County of Santa Clara. As we reflect on this year’s theme of global solidarity and shared responsibility, we thank the health care workers and advocates that have stepped up here in County of Santa Clara to make us a leader in the work to get to zero cases. 

World AIDS Day 2022 information and events in County of Santa Clara

We’re looking to a future where we must continue the fight to stop new cases, expand and support the rights of people living with HIV, and tear down the stigmas and discrimination. After another hateful act [at Club Q] against a community that has faced too much, we stand in solidarity, we see you, and we’re going to fight for you to live freely and openly. Love wins.