D3 sponsorships
Donations and sponsorships information and request process
If you are interested in funding for a one-time event, please refer to the following link for specific information about deadlines and requirements to request an event sponsorship from the Board of Supervisors: Board of Supervisors Donations and Sponsorships - Office of Communications and Public Affairs - County of Santa Clara (sccgov.org). Individual Supervisors can sponsor an event up to $5,000.
Note: Minimum of 45 days advance notice for donation and sponsorship requests.
To request an event sponsorship from the District 3 office, please send us an email or letter detailing the following:
1. Date, time, and location of the event;
2. Who the event intends to serve;
3. Whether there is a role for Supervisor Lee;
4. How much funding you request; and
5. How you intend to spend the funds.
Email address:
[email protected]
Please include "Sponsorship Request" in the Subject Line.
Mailing address:
District 3 Office, Supervisor Otto Lee
Attn: Sponsorships
70 W. Hedding Street, 10th Floor
San José, CA 95110
Thank you.
For questions contact us at [email protected] with subject "Attn: Sponsorships".