D3 URJGENT Program 2024
2024 Grant Application & Information
2024 Application is CLOSED
Application closed Wednesday, APRIL 10, 2024 at 5:00 PM
Please review the following information for 2024 program and applications requirements - including new guidelines and Levine Act requirements for 2024.
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The Clerk of the Board has created a dedicated website for the County of Santa Clara's budget inventory process CLICK HERE FOR LINK - Please visit their website for more information or for inquires about the the budget inventory process - they have also included process information that each Supervisorial District Office follows in receiving requests and identifying recipients of inventory items. [LINK]
2024 URJGENT Grant Program Information
Policy Priorities & Project Preferences
The name “URJGENT” is an acronym connected to our District 3 policy priorities:
✩ Unhoused
✩ Racial Justice
✩ Green
✩ Equity
✩ Neighborhoods
✩ Transparency
Applications for this grant will only be considered if they fall under one of these six categories. Additionally, proposals submitted for this grant must be project-based or supply a material need for technology or equipment. If material or technology based, the request must be for one-time purchases. Specific requests for salaries, rent, or other ongoing expenses may be included in the application so long as they are related to the provision of services or support that benefits our residents. One-time events will not be considered through this process and will be referred to our event sponsorship process for consideration.
NEW FOR 2024:
⇒ In January 2024, the Board of Supervisors approved new guidelines for grant funding. Additionally, the URJGENT Grants are subject to the Levine Act - Click HERE for more information.
⇒ Applicants must submit the application through the online form. Additionally, as a potential recipient of a Board grant or sponsorship, applicants are required must complete and sign the Levine Act Form [Link]; including any subcontractors [Link] and/or fiscal agents [Link].
Grant tiers and eligibility
All applicants must be registered as a:
501(c)3 non-profit entity or have a fiscal agent that is registered as a 501(c)3 non-profit entity.
a. Applicants who have a fiscal agent must submit the “Certification of Fiscal Agency” form along with the applications.Organizations must also be in “Active” standing with the California Secretary of State.
a. Applicants are required to submit a Certificate of Status from the Secretary of State at time of the application (Check your organization’s status LINK)
There are three grant tiers, and each has its own eligibility requirements.
Tier | Maximum grant amount | Eligibility |
1 | $5,000 | Organization Annual budget of no more than $100,000 |
2 | $15,000 | Organization Annual budget of no more than $250,000 |
3 | $25,000 | Organization Annual budget of no more than $500,000 |
Please note: If your organization does not meet the eligibility requirement for an URJGENT Grant, you may submit your request through the same application form. Please specify it is a non-URJGENT grant or other funding request application. It will be considered separately from organizations that are eligible for URJGENT Grants. Please be aware that Supervisor Lee is committed to supporting and uplifting organizations whose budgets are under $500,000 and meeting critical URJGENT priorities.
Application Requirements
2024 applications shall be submitted as an uploaded document through our online form
You may view the application questions through our accessibility version or downloadable PDF of the 2024 Application Form.
Application document format requirements: FONT TYPE: Times New Roman; FONT SIZE: 12 pt; MARGINS: All 1-Inch; Double-Spaced; and in PDF format. DOCUMENT TITLE: "[Tier #] [Organization Name] 2024 Application"
All applicants MUST provide the following information in their application document with page limits:
- Introductory Narrative of the Organization (maximum two pages);
- Project proposal or Project Narrative (maximum three pages);
- Potential impacts on: 1) youth, meaning under 18 years old, 2) seniors, meaning 65 and older, and 3) sustainability (maximum two pages);
- Social Media handles (if any);
- Primary Contacts and References; and
- Verification under penalty of perjury that the applicant meets the eligibility requirements to apply for the grants, including annual budget caps.
Supplemental information such as cover pages, brochures, and photos may be submitted and not count against maximum page limits. Please review the content guidelines for each section of the application, applicants are empowered to determine how to use the space that they are allotted to supply all of the information that is required in the document to be uploaded in the application. All supplemental information should be uploaded as one document in PDF format with the file title as: "[Tier #] [Organization] Application Supplemental"
Application Page Limits & Additional Requirements:
Tier One - $5,000 Microgrants: Applications will be no more than three pages
Tier Two - $15,000 Grants: Applications will be no more than fives pages, and must include a proposal budget to show how grant funds will be used and if there the proposal is being funded from other Santa Clara County sources.
Tier Three - $25,000 Grants: Applications will be no more than seven pages, and must include a budget showing how the grant funds will be used and if there the proposal is being funded from other Santa Clara County sources. Applicants will also commit to submitting a year-end report.
NOTE: Grants may be approved for lower amounts than what was requested.
Evaluation process
URJGENT Grant Applications will be accepted until 5:00 PM on Wednesday, April 10, 2024. Applications will be reviewed and assessed on a rolling basis, so please submit your applications early.
To ensure that the grant evaluation process is fair and transparent, all applications will be evaluated by the Community Review Panel (CRP), which is comprised of Santa Clara County Residents who care about local issues. Each panelist will score the applications received based on the following criteria:
1. Urgency of the identified need;
2. Thoughtfulness and uniqueness of the proposed program or project;
3. Reliability and past performance of applicant (as presented by applicant and any independent thought or research of the panel); and
4. Impact, either direct or projected, of the proposed program or project.
CRP evaluations will be submitted to District 3 Senior Staff & Supervisor Lee for final decisions, and grantees will be notified by the May Budget Workshops of May 13-15, 2024.
Levine Act Disclosure Requirements
California Government Code section 84308 (“Levine Act”) requires a party to a proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement, including all contracts other than competitively bid, labor, or personal employment contracts, to disclose any contribution of more than $250 that the party (or their agent) has made to a member of the Board of Supervisors or any Other Elected County Officer within the prior 12 months. The Levine Act also prohibits, during the proceeding and for 12 months following a final decision, a party (or their agent) from making a contribution of more than $250 to any member of the Board of Supervisors or to any Other Elected County Officer who may participate in the proceeding. Click HERE for more information.
Applicants MUST complete and sign the Levine Act Contractor Form AND any fiscal agent/sponsor [Link] AND/OR any subcontractors in your proposal [Link].
Applicants are responsible for collecting and returning all completed Levine Act Identification Forms for your grant proposal at the time of your application.
⇒ LEVINE ACT FORM - APPLICANTS (Identification of Subcontractors & Agents) - PDF
⇒ Levine Act FORM - FISCAL AGENT (Identification of subcontractors & agents) - PDF
⇒ Levine Act Form - Subcontractors (Identification of Agents) - PDF
Questions or comments?
If you have any questions or comments about the D3 URJGENT Grant Program or application process, please submit them to [email protected].
We will not be able to meet with any applicants to discuss their URJGENT Grant proposal.
Event Sponsorship Requests
Find more information if you are interested in funding for a one-time event